Dear Visitor |
March 2024
Thank you for subscribing to IOW's Newsletter!
By subscribing to IOW’s Newsletter, you will be updated about the latest keywords uploaded, and provided news about the project in general and the activities of IOW's collective.
The Newsletter will also disseminate Calls for conferences and publications connected to issue of Othering.
And you can become an active participant to IOW's dictionary, by proposing and discussing words that are used to (re)produce different forms of Otherness, and/or suggesting keywords that you would like to be discussed!
You can visit regularly to find further info on keywords and on how to join the project.
Forthcoming keywords:
disability: the entry here discussed by Stefania Taviano, is commonly perceived as a deviance, as a consequence of a person’s physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments or as a defective copy of abled bodies. Such images and definitions of disability, as in the case of race and gender, constitute a social system of representation that marks people and, their bodies, as subordinate. Disability becomes a category, a label to marginalize individuals, marking them as 'Other' for being different from normative groups, similarly to other social groups subject to discrimination.
il/ils: the French language, like many others, has historically used masculine forms as the default for different gender groups. Indeed, in French, ‘il/ils’ are masculine pronouns, but ‘ils’ describes groups including women and non-binary individuals. This practice is a subject of debate, especially in the context of France's national motto "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité," which though championing liberty, equality, and fraternity, still (re)produces Otherness by favouring the masculine over the other genders. In this entry, Romain Potier critically discusses these issues with Victoria Odeniyi.
menopause: how is menopause connected to Otherness? Do women become, in Simone de Beauvoir's bitter words, 'Others to themselves?' How is menopause represented in different cultures? And how do the persistent stigma and taboo associated with the menopause contribute to the silencing of women's voices and the persistent misinformation about female aging that is prevalent in cultures around the world? You can find answers and information in the discussion by Isabelle Buchstaller, as well as a list of typical menopausal symptoms and links to support groups and other networking opportunities.
oligarchy: in line with its etymology, the term 'oligarchy' was used to depict and denounce various elitist governments in Argentina since the consolidation of the national state in 1880. Cecilia Beaudoin here discusses how, in the second half of the twentieth century, ‘oligarchy’ became a political term which designated the Other (or 'them') in the narrative elaborated by Peronism. Rather than a concept, this word may be better perceived as a floating or empty signifier, since in recent years it has also been used to name Peronism itself.
- terrone: 'terrone' is an inter-generational and frequently heard epithet by which Italians from the North call those from the South. It refers to the word 'terra' (earth) as connected with dirt and is often loaded with a derogatory connotation. The term 'terrone' thus not only encapsulates a geographical divide but also embodies the social prejudices that can perpetuate discrimination. Class 3C discusses how, beyond its literal meaning, ‘terrone’ has become a term to stereotypically designate the 'Other' as an individual or a group in relation to attitudes, behaviours, and attire.
translanguaging: the categorization of different languages – and of the individuals who use them – can be utilized to create a sense of Otherness. Translanguaging involves the use of multiple languages in interaction and allows individuals to bring their entire linguistic repertoire into play, thus representing a way of translating (encoding) cultural practices and beliefs about the Other. Victoria Odeniyi explores with Romain Potier how translanguaging is a dynamic practice that goes beyond communication as it reflects and shapes our understanding of cultural and linguistic identities.
From the Torino Conference Languaging and Diversity (14-16 December, 2023):
Giorgis, P., Ivanka, M. 2023. The Words of Othering and the Digital Genre. Languaging, Identity, Diversity. pp.132-135. Book of Abstracts Languaging Identities in Changing Times. Challenges and Opportunities. Torino: COLLANE@unito.
Odeniyi, V. 2023. Translanguaging as Creative Practice. What can we learn from our Students about Educational Equity? pp. 174-175. Book of Abstracts Languaging Identities in Changing Times. Challenges and Opportunities. Torino: COLLANE@unito.
Ilie, Cornelia (ed.). 2024. Manufacturing Dissent: Manipulation and Counter-Manipulation in Times of Crisis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
The studies presented in the volume edited by Cornelia Ilie show how manipulation works at time of crises, thus magnifying how manipulative strategies and discourses operate at individual and institutional levels in a range of socio-political and cultural settings, and how they actively contribute to shape and steer individual and public opinion.
Saad, Charleine. 2023. "Between Domestication and Foreignization: A Study of How an Italian Film Remake Got Lost in Translation in the Arab World" by Charleine Saad has been published in Languages as part of the Special Issue "Translating Otherness: Challenges, Theories, and Practices " (Guest Editors: Paola Giorgis, Ivanka Mavrodieva, Bilyana Todorova and Andrea C. Valente).
The study discusses the Arabic remake of a famous Italian movie showing that the use of domestication in film remakes alters the rhetorical effect of the original version and that although foreignization may promote the audiences’ interest in foreign cultures, it may contribute to the reproduction of Otherness due to the dissatisfaction of the targeted audiences.
The article is available online: Website: PDF Version: Special Issue:
February 16th (online): within the formation courses organized by the Italian association of teachers and researchers of Foreign/Second Language Education lend – linguistica e nuova didattica [linguistics and news didactics] ( Paola Giorgis presented IOW dictionary and showed how it can be used with students to practice critical (foreign) language education.
March 8th (online): within the webinars of the DiscourseNet network (, Paola Giorgis, Ivanka Mavrodieva, Victoria Odeyini, and Andrea C. Valente presented ‘How to write an entry for IOW dictionary step-by-step’. The Webinar addressed several issues, such as a general introduction of the project, its structure, its ethos and methodologies, how to choose an entry, how to write an entry with colleagues/one student/a class or group of people, and open-peer reviewing as a dialogic process.
April 4th (online): within the I-LanD Seminar Series (, the meeting will discuss: ‘Gender and Discrimination in Contemporary Discourses’. Paola Giorgis and Ivanka Mavrodieva will analyse the themes as related to IOW dictionary, providing some contextualized examples of how IOW’s critical and creative proposals provide counternarratives against discriminatory discourses.
May 23-25: Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany. Conference ‘Talking about Writing’. Paola Giorgis, Bilyana Todorova, and Andrea C. Valente will present IOW dictionary as a collective, dialogic, and participatory writing space where different actors from different social and educational contexts engage in creativity and critical reflexivity, as well as in the use of multilingual and multimodal resources. The presenters will discuss some examples of some of IOW’s conducted activities, such as webinars, teacher training courses, and participatory writing with students and colleagues.
Lingue Culture Mediazioni - Languages Cultures Mediation
Issue nr. 1 vol. 11 (2024) will focus on the following theme: "Discourses, Methods and Practices of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging: Towards a Global Shared Framework"
Issue edited by Dr. Fadia Nordtveit (Springfield College)
Dr. Paola Catenaccio (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Deadline for the abstracts: 15 April 2024
Authors are cordially invited to submit an article of max. 6.500 words (equivalent to 20 pages of about 2.250 characters including spaces).
Please review the About the Journal page for the journal policies, as well as the Submissions page and the Author Guidelines for information on the upload procedure.
All submitted works considered suitable for publication will undergo an anonymous double-blind review process.
MonTI 17 (2025) - Q1 (SJR: Language and Linguistics)
"Theatre translation. Performability and reception from intercultural perspectives"
Edited by Susan Bassnett (University of Glasgow) and Catalina Iliescu-Gheorghiu (Universidad de Alicante)
Deadline for manuscript submission: 31 May 2024
Theatre has been underexplored in Translation Studies for many years, but today drama translation (both as translation process and product) is becoming increasingly visible as a genre whose purpose is primordially to be staged and played for an audience in a given historic, socio-political context.
Université de Lyon, France
Laboratoire ICAR - Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations
"Le pouvoir des mots: le langage comme reflet et vecteur du pouvoir"
Dates: 4-6 November 2024
Deadline: 28 April 2024
Le CfP est décliné en 5 axes:
- Agir sur le langage, exprimer le pouvoir
- Agir par le langage, faire exister
- Asymétries de pouvoir
- Transmission du pouvoir par le langage
- Savoir e(s)t pouvoir
Pour toute question, écrivez à
Les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs, n’hésitez pas à soumettre une proposition!
More info at:
Université Paris Nanterre, France
Association Française de linguistique Systémique Fonctionnelle (AFLSF)
"Approaches to social semiotics and social media"
Date: 3 October 2024
Deadline: 31 May 2024
This conference aims to bring together scholars who integrate semiotic and multimodal analysis into their linguistic analyses, and to take as a common object of study the example of social media content. The main purpose of the conference is to compare and contrast various theoretical approaches, and to engage a conversation in terms of epistemology.
Abstracts (250-300 words) to be submitted to
Fiona Rossette
and Clive Hamilton
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU)
"Look who’s Talking: Voices and Sources in the News"
Date: 12-13 December 2024
Deadline: 29 June 2024
Submissions are welcomed from all relevant disciplinary backgrounds approaching the central theme of ‘voices and sources in the news’ from a conceptual, empirical or methodological perspective; using quantitative and qualitative methods, or a mixed-methods design; and looking into journalism practices, products, or audiences, such as voice/source (in)visibility and social/environmental justice or identity politics, and listening and exposure diversity.
Contact person:
Martina Temmerman
ESTIDIA (European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue) is a non-profit organization that fosters dialogue across disciplines and cultures, cultivates contacts with university networks and publishers, and promotes initiatives and projects among its members. ESTIDIA brings together senior and junior colleagues belonging to various disciplines and professional orientations, who wish to establish contacts and to collaborate across cultural and disciplinary borders in Europe and beyond. By becoming a member of ESTIDIA you will be part of a vibrant international community and enjoy several advantages. You can find more info and subscribe here:
ESTIDIA is currently interested in offering PhD students the opportunity to reinforce website management skills and to enhance blog drafting and editing skills during a voluntary internship. The internship enables students to improve writing and editing skills, academic research skills, enhanced expertise on website management and online resources, communicative and interpersonal competence, and teamwork experience under the supervision of ESTIDIA senior scholars.
For more info, please contact: Cornelia Ilie
The Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) facilitates intercultural dialogues through helping scholars learn about the work of international peers, locate researchers with similar interests in other countries, or collaborate for research purposes.
It is a rich and updated online resource that offers a lot of info about intercultural issues, language and linguistics – call for papers, job offers, fellowships, conferences, international programs, interviews, videos, and podcasts.
We are looking forward to hearing your comments and suggestions, as well as to welcoming your contributions!
In the meanwhile, take care & stay tuned!
Paola Giorgis
on behalf of IOW's Editorial Board
For further info, please write to: