Dear Visitor | | IOW's NEWSLETTER #4 March 2023
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By subscribing to IOW’s Newsletter, you will be updated about the latest keywords uploaded, and provided news about the project in general and the activities of IOW's collective. The Newsletter will also disseminate Calls for conferences and publications connected to issue of Othering.
And you can become an active participant to IOW's dictionary, by proposing and discussing words that are used to (re)produce different forms of Otherness, and/or suggesting keywords that you would like to be discussed! You can visit regularly to find further info on keywords and on how to join the project.
Here are some of IOW's latest news:
| Forthcoming:
- neurodiverse by Andrea C. Valente
- refugee by Arianna Vettorazzi
In the occasion of the anniversary of Human Rights Declaration, on December 10th, 2022, IOW dictionary was awarded a prize for the presentation at IAIE/HOU international Conference (1-2, Oct, 2022, Athens)
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| IOW will participate to the conference DNC5ALED, 25-28 July, Valencia, Spain: Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises.
IOW will make a presentation in the Strand: Discourses and genders, violences and resistance. |
Next publications by IOW’s Editorial Board Forthcoming:
Giorgis, P. Chapter in the volume: Cultural Linguistics, Ideologies and Critical Discourse Studies. (eds. Frank Polzehagen & Monika Reif). Title of the Chapter: Critical Cultural Linguistics (CCL): Challenging the Cultural (Re)production of Otherness. John Benjamins Publications.
- Giorgis, P., Semenets, O., Todorova, B. Chapter in the volume: Unhealthy Language (ed. R. Jones). Title of the Chapter: “We are at War”. The Military Rhetoric of COVID-19 in Cross-cultural Discourses. Frontiers Publications.
Semenets, O. Семенець, О. “Metafora «viina proty koronavirusu» v ukrainskomu ta zarubizhnomu mediinomu prostori (2020–2021). Метафора «війна проти коронавірусу» в українському та зарубіжному медійному просторі (2020–2021 рр.). [The metaphor of «war against coronavirus» in the Ukrainian and foreign media space (2020-2021)]. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia Zhurnalistyka. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія Журналістика. [Bulletin of Lviv University. Journalism series], Issue 52.
- Semenets, O. Семенець, О. (2022). “«Bytva vaktsyn» ta «bytva za vaktsynu» yak metaforychne pole mediinoi informatsiinoi borotby” «Битва вакцин та «битва за вакцину» як метафоричне поле медiйної iнформацiйної боротьби [«Battle of vaccines» and «battle for the vaccine» as a metaphorical field of media information struggle]. “Obraz: naukovyi zhurnal” Образ: науковий журнал [Image: scientific journal]. Sumy, Kyiv 2, 26-35.
| There is an open call for publications with The Rhetoric and Communications Journal ( English version: Special issue 56 invites contributions on genres - monologues - dialogues
Issue 56 – July 2023. Topics: rhetoric and communication: dialogical and monological formats.
Deadline for manuscripts: 30 April 2023.
For further info, please send an e-mail to the Rhetoric and Communications Journal email address at: |
Conflict and Society Advances in Research
Rigorous scholarly research of the social and cultural conditions of organized violence, its genesis, dynamic, and impact, is fundamental to addressing questions of local and global conflict and its impact on the human condition. Publishing peer-reviewed articles by international scholars, Conflict and Society expands the field of conflict studies by using ethnographic inquiry to establish new fields of research and interdisciplinary collaboration. Deadline: June 1, 2023 Articles should be 8,000 to 10,000 words (including notes and references). Please consult with the editors concerning appropriate lengths for reviews and review articles. Please submit your work through this link: before June 1, 2023. Questions can be addressed to the managing editor Dastan Abdali at |
This one-day conference seeks to explore leaders’ experience of the post-pandemic era and stimulate research into what the cultural and discursive implications of this new era will be for future leaders. The conference aims to gather researchers and professionals from an array of disciplines to discuss about the cultural shift currently underway as a result of the pandemic, and its impact on a new discursive constructs and communicational strategies linked to leadership. Deadline for submission: March 20th, 2023 Contacts: Elvis Buckwalter and Sherry Robinson and
Proposals for conference papers (title + abstract of 300-500 words) are to be sent to both Elvis Buckwalter and Sherry Robinson by March 20th 2023. Responses will be sent end of March 2023. Languages for the conference are English and French.
14-15-16 December, 2023. Università di Torino, Italy. Department of Cultures, Politics and Society Department of Languages, Foreign Literatures and Modern Cultures LANGUAGING DIVERSITY 2023 (LD2023)
Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities
Focus The 8th edition of the Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) focuses on the representation and the languaging of identities against the backdrop of our rapidly changing societies. Cultures, traditions, and customs are evolving very quickly; in the same way, the interpretation of the concept of identity is undergoing a significant transformation. Deadline for abstract submission: 1 April, 2023.
Timeline 15 July 2023: Outcome of abstract submission + request for extended (1000-word) abstract 30 September 2023: Deadline for extended (1000-word) abstract submission
Submissions • Individual presentation: Abstracts should not exceed 300 words including references. To submit your proposal, visit our website. • Panel presentation Panel proposals on a specific topic are welcome. Panels can include between 4 and 8 participants.
Website and more info at: |
September 25-27, 2023. Kobe University, Japan.
"Interface" calls for papers for a conference on the topic: CHANGING PARADIGMS: HUMANITIES IN THE AGE OF CRISIS The aim of the conference is to reflect on and re-evaluate the role of the humanities in the face of these global challenges. Papers may address general theoretical themes of the humanities, or they may deal with specific cases and works of art. In addition to papers dealing with the contemporary situation, we are also interested in presentations considering different historical periods.
The conference is planned as an in-person conference, but online participation will also be possible
Deadline for abstract submissions: April 1, 2023 For detailed info, please refer to:
August 28-30, 2023. University of Bern.
Knowledge in terms of formal and informal qualifications is both a collective and an individual resource. Societal dynamics are driven by the accessibility and composition of knowledge at a macro level.
Sociology of education clearly indicates that the acquisition of knowledge and education results in cumulative (dis)advantages in the individuals’ life course. Individuals’ knowledge, education and certified qualifications result from socialization in families, social networks, and the educational system and grant access to the labor market. As such, inequality in knowledge and education leads to the reproduction of inequalities in terms of social stratification, economic welfare, and political power.
Deadline for submitting a complete paper or an extended abstract (2-3 pages): April, 15, 2023.
Contributions are to be uploaded on the conference management system (see the conference website for details). Full CfP and further info at:
12-14 October 2023. Universität Klagenfurt, Austria ADDA 4 - CONTEMPORARY SOCIETIES IN DIGITAL DISCOURSE The focus lies on identities in digital discourses in light of individualization, singularization, but also (anti-)globalization, interconnectedness, social changes, tensions, and crises. ADDA aims to bring together (early career and experienced) researchers interested in the analysis of digital discourse(s) from different disciplines, approaches, and traditions. Deadline for submitting individual papers and work-in-progress papers: April 30, 2023 Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2023
Full CfP and further info at:
November 9-10, 2023. University of Naples L’Orientale, palazzo Du Mesnil. ‘NEGATIVE SOLIDARITIES’. THE AGE OF ANGER AND HATE SPEECH IN THE ANGLOPHONE GLOBALIZED PUBLIC SPHERE The call for papers invites proposals focusing on the socio-political and cultural significance of manifestations of negative solidarities in the ‘Age of Anger’ and ‘Hate Speech’ and their representations in literature, film, tv, the performing and visual arts, as well as in news media and social media communication, and historical and political discourse.
Further details about the Call at:
Deadline for abstracts: May 15, 2023 Notification of acceptance: June 5, 2023
Please, send an abstract (either in English or Italian) of about 300 words, including title and bibliography, and a short bio with affiliation to: in cc to
October, 7-10, 2023. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina International Conference: CHILDREN AS PEACEMAKERS. Organizers: War Childhood Museum Foundation (WCM) & International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) The Conferences is organized in ten different strands. For detailed info, please refer to:
For each each strand, proposals can be submitted in in the following categories: papers, posters, book, audio/video presentations, art objects, Theater performances, films, workshops. Abstracts of 200-400 words (in English) to be sent to Ivona Hiristova:
Deadline for abstract submissions: June, 1, 2023 Deadline for reduced-fee, early bird registration: July 1, 2023 For further info see the conference webpage:
Virtual Talk On Inequality: Perceiving Progress, March 9, 12 noon-1 pm EST time Many of us perceive that the gaps in our societies — between rich and poor, haves and have nots, and well as prosperous and impoverished nations — are growing rather than diminishing, despite persisting Enlightenment narratives of “progress.” Is this perception accurate? What do humanities scholars think and how strong is their voice in addressing this challenge? Historian Robin D.G. Kelley and cultural studies scholar Bruce Robbins will discuss how intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity have historically produced and continue to create inequalities.
Join us for this fascinating (and free) online discussion, moderated by Professor Irene Kacandes. For more info and registration:
A 2-day symposium: "Reassessing 'the Critical' in CDS" (in-person and online)
21-22 March, 2023. Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
The symposium will be live-streamed and online participation will be encouraged.
The Symposium "Reassessing the Critical in CDS" brings together scholars to reflect on 'hot topics' related to the approach. These include reflections on CDS as an institutional(ised) field within the structures of modern neoliberal academia, the role of immanent or prognostic critique and separation of CDS from Discourse Studies, self-reflection and positioning in global applications of CDS, among other aspects. A round table on the second day will try and draw lessons from the panels.
Speakers and discussants come from both inside and outside the CDS tradition: Michal Krzyzanowski, Eleonora Esposito, Samuel Bennett, Viviane de Melo Resende, Bernhard Forchtner, Crispin Thurlow, Theresa Catalano, Dimitris Serafis, Salomi Boukala, Stavros Assimakopoulos, Benno Herzog, Audrey Alejandro, Chris Hart, and Jolanta Drzewiecka.
For online attendance register here:
| The Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) facilitates intercultural dialogues through helping scholars learn about the work of international peers, locate researchers with similar interests in other countries, or collaborate for research purposes.
It is a rich and updated online resource that offers a lot of info about intercultural issues, language and linguistics – call for papers, job offers, fellowships, conferences, international programs, interviews, videos, and podcasts. |
------------------------------- We are looking forward to hearing your comments and suggestions, as well as to welcoming your contributions! In the meanwhile, take care & stay tuned!
Paola Giorgis on behalf of IOW's Editorial Board
For further info, please write to:
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